Please note the following policy and guidelines that govern your participation in the Ride Like A Pro training program.
No family or friends are to be present for any classroom or riding sessions. They may deliver you to, and pick you up from the training site. However, they may not observe or interfere with the instruction. This is for your benefit and that of other class members.
This is a cellular phone free and pager free learning environment. Please make arrangements to leave these devices off during class and riding sessions.
No abuse, verbal or otherwise, will be tolerated during this program. Should a problem arise it will constitute ejection from the program and possible security action.
Unsafe acts such as, but not limited to, excessive speed, following too closely, or failure to follow instructions will not be tolerated. This is for your safety and the safety of your fellow riders.
Plan your time carefully. Arrive early for your class and range sessions. You must attend and complete each classroom and range exercise to continue in the program. Late arrivals may not be allowed to continue once wheels are in motion.
We meet at the site for each scheduled session regardless of what the weather may be at your location.
Notify your Program Facilitator by phone of any emergencies, etc. that may result in your absence from the class.
Your program is weather driven; inclement weather may require the use of an alternative schedule.
Be flexible.
NO ALCOHOL 24 hours before a riding session. This is mandatory!
Advise instructors immediately of any changes in your medical status prior to your riding session.
Above all, recognize it is your choice to be here. Let us make this a positive and pleasurable experience for all involved. PARTICIPATE FULLY!