Folks, keep in mind that classes sell out quick, either because of individual riders or groups. Make sure the seats available can accommodate your group.
Upcoming classes
February 27, 2021 – click here for more information
Previous classes:
February 12, 2021
December 11, 2021
April 3, 2021
February 6, 2021
January 24, 2021
January 9, 2021 – SOLD OUT!
December 13, 2020 – SOLD OUT!
February 2020 – November 2020 (no classes due to COVID-19)
January 2020 – SOLD OUT!
December 2019 – No classes
November 2019 – No classes
October 2019 – SOLD OUT!
September 2019 – SOLD OUT!
August 4th, 2019 – SOLD OUT!
July 2019 – SOLD OUT!

We will teach the Ride Like A Pro class on the date confirmed in your reservation from 8:00 to 12:00 pm in the Target of Cutler Bay parking lot located on SW 208th rd and US1. The cost is $150 and the class will run approximately 4 hours. You may pay by cash, check or credit card at the time of the class. Best way to secure your spot (limited to 10,) is to pay the deposit of $50.00 – check our facebook page for the event and follow the link to ‘tickets’.) If you wish to attend or have friends who might be interested, please confirm via email or text to 305-804-4555. Feel free to call with any questions or comments 305-804-4555
We ask that you wear long pants, long sleeve shirt, full finger gloves, boots that cover your ankle bone and a DOT helmet. It is recommended that you have engine and/or bag guards. Please try to have some breakfast and bring a snack/drink to help keep your energy up. There is a Burger King just 1 mile down the road. If you are able to perform a straight cone weave with the cones spaced 12-14 feet apart, you are ready for this course. If you are uncomfortable with this exercise, we would recommend a private lesson where we can work on your basic skills. Private lessons are available for $250 and semi private (2 people) for $400. Whether you have been riding 3 months or 30 years, we can help you improve your riding skills. If you have ever had the opportunity to see RLAP in action (they do shows at the Leesburg Bikefest and other bike events around the US) you know how impressive the results of this training is. Sample videos can be watched at their web site:
The course is fantastic and every rider can benefit from this training. It focuses on slow speed tight maneuvers based on the motor officer training. The course is 4 hours and will improve your riding skills by 100%..
DVD’s will be available for student price of $25 for the New Ride Like A Pro. It is highly recommended that you watch the DVD prior to taking the class. The class follows the DVD step by step. If you don’t already have the DVD, please give us a call and we will arrange for you to buy one, or download the video from
We also have ProGuards if you would like to protect your engine and bag guards $25 for the set.